What are anabolic steroid pills and what are their advantages and disadvantages, knowing

What are anabolic steroid pills and what are their advantages and disadvantages, knowing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Anabolic Steroids: The desire to get a perfect and attractive body can sometimes be a burden on health. Protein powder and steroids used to make toned and six-pack abs can harm many organs of the body.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Anabolic Steroids: At present most youth want to have their fit and attractive bodies. Which, along with hard work in the gym, they also consume different types of steroids to make the muscle tight and toned. Although the use of these steroid pills gives the desired result, due to their excessive consumption, the possibility of many health problems also increases. Using anabolic steroids in high doses over a long period of time can be harmful. It is a type of man-made hormone that can promote testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the body.

Then now let’s know about the advantages and disadvantages of anabolic steroid pills.

What is an anabolic steroid?

According to Healthline, anabolic androgenic steroids are called AAS. This steroid is a type of artificial testosterone. It can be used to increase the testosterone level of the body. Testosterone is a hormone commonly associated with the male body. On average, there is 300 to 1000 nanograms of testosterone hormone per deciliter in the male body. Although this hormone is also produced in the body of women, it is found in very small quantities. It can also be used to strengthen bones.

Benefits of Anabolic Steroid Pills

Steroids are not always harmful when used correctly. They are used for both health and athletic purposes.

  • Protein production increases body mass of the body.
  • Muscle strength and endurance are achieved.
  • It increases the production of red blood cells.
  • Improves in strength-related sports.
  • Increases the number of hormones and insulin.

Disadvantages of Anabolic Steroid Pills

Anabolic steroids are only useful in low doses, taking too much can cause long-term or harmful side effects.

  • Anabolic components help to grow muscles.
  • Androgenic components affect male sexual characteristics such as body hair or sperm production.
  • Its consumption can increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack.
  • This can increase anger.
  • Anabolic components can cause liver damage.
  • It also increases the growth of breast tissue.
  • Low sperm production.
  • Hair loss.


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